First, it's important to mention that this post only applies to a degree. Many shipments are backed up and entire brands/items are backed up regardless of where a shopper is sent. That being said, let's get on with it.
The 'Out Of Stock' Issue
Other services only provide shopping at one location. If that location is out of stock of an item you want, you're left with choosing between a replacement or a refund for the item. This can be annoying, especially when some locations are out of more than 25% of your entire list. This usually leaves you dealing without what you want or paying extra fees to place an additional order at a different location. But what if you could have multiple stores shopped on one order? With Red's Delivery Services this is possible. At no extra cost to you! If your primary store is out of stock, you will be notified and you then tell us which option you would like:- A replacement
- Don't worry about it
- Check a nearby store