- Apply To Be A Personal Concierge
- Work part-time or full-time earning an income helping your local community get errands taken care of. If you decide you like us, turn it into a full-time career. Promotions from within.
- Apply To Be A Sales Associate
- Sales Associates will help market and sell merchandise we sell directly through us. Sales will take place online and at vendor events.
- Apply To Join Management
- Currently seeking County and State Managers. Upper management is promoted from within as positions are needed and open.
- As we are still a relatively new and young business, we are accepting interest in joining corporate as well. To discuss the details and terms of joining corporate in our early stages, email Red at Red@RedConrad.com. Put "Corporate Interest" as the subject line. Once this position is filled, or other positions start filling more, this opportunity will disappear.
- Red is also considering allowing a partner to buy in to the business. If interested, email Red at Red@RedConrad.com.
At Red's Delivery & Concierge Services, we put people first. When you join our family, you will be helping others and their families do what they need to do and spend time together knowing their errands are getting done by a team of professionals.
Whether you're a Personal Concierge, Sales Associate, or a member of management, you are part of a family when you join us. Perks come with working full-time and promotions happen from within. As we grow and expand, you're ability to grow with us is limitless. Only you decide what position you want to remain in. We're a small business with big ambitions and will reward those who work with us and help us achieve our goals as a business and as a family. Input from all levels on new ideas and better ways of doing things are welcome; we are all Red's Delivery & Concierge Services.
To apply, view the below linked pages. We are currently hiring in Florida, and accepting applications in other areas.
Pay is strictly commission based across all positions. It is an easy job but tough industry. Some days and weeks will be better than others. Must be self-motivated and able to handle the ups and downs. Weekly income levels cannot and will not be guaranteed. This line of work isn't for everyone. Only the serious need apply.