The Grocery And Supply Funds strictly helps individuals and families in the local community only.
When you use our services, 5% of our profits from your order goes to the Grocery & Supply Fund to help those in need. 50% of our profits from your purchase of our merchandise at our Merch Shop goes to the Grocery & Supply Fund. In addition to this, you may also donate an amount of your choice to the fund to help a local individual or family in need.
To donate to the general fund, click here or button below. The general fund helps people and families in need of groceries and supplies as the Red Conrad's Services team finds people in need, and as funds are available to do so. You'll be able to opt to either do a one-time or monthly donation via link above or button below (will take you to off-site donation page); one-time, monthly, or yearly in pre-set or custom amount on-site; or donating via PayPal or CashApp links (one-time donations). To help a specific individual/family, see below.
Each time the general Grocery & Supply Fund reaches $300-500, the Red Conrad's Services team will do a surprise grocery & supply delivery for an individual or family in need. If the team doesn't already have an individual or family in mind, it will be announced on our Facebook page that we have a surprise grocery & supply delivery coming up and will ask who may be in need at that time. An individual or family will be chosen by how in need they are, and if the issue can be confirmed. The team will be sure only those in need receive the donations.
As well as knowing you're helping someone in need, as a bonus perk for donating to the fund, every $50 you donate to the fund will grant you a free delivery on your next order or one free item from our Merch Shop up to a $20 value.
Do you know a specific individual or family in need of groceries and/or supplies you would like to help?
With the below form, you can choose to:
- Ask we consider an individual/family as recipient(s) of the 'General Grocery Fund'
- Donate directly to the individual/families grocery & supply needs (using the donate button below the form)
- May include a grocery list if you know foods/brands they like
- Both of the above options
Fill out the below form with your information, the families/individuals information; and leave a donation via the button below the form, to help them cover the cost, if you're donating. Please be sure to include the $15 delivery fee. If the donation won't cover the entire list, please put the items in order from most important to least important. You'll be able to opt to either do a one-time or monthly donation for the individual/family; if you opt monthly, please update the list any month items may be different or the same list will be shopped/delivered each month. Please state a delivery time when the recipient will be home to accept delivery.
If you're opting to ask we consider them to be recipients of the General Grocery & Supply Fund, please understand general fund deliveries are only made as the fund has enough funds in it to do so. If they are in immediate need, please also consider using the below donation button to donate specifically to the individual/family you are mentioning.
Disclaimer: These funds are collected and operated through Red Conrad's Services. We are not a 501c3. All funds collected go to those in need directly through us and/or local charities.