Prescription Pickup/Delivery
If you need your prescription picked up, please pay for the script in advance to the pharmacy for quicker pickup. You may order pickup via the Web Delivery option or the form below. If your prescription pickup is part of a grocery order, the prescription must be paid in advance to the pharmacy, add a note to your grocery order to pickup the prescription. Provide any information needed to pickup the prescription.
- Prepaid: You already covered the cost of the prescription, whether it be paid by you or covered by your insurance; only payment due is our fee.
- Non-Paid: The prescription hasn't been paid for either by you or your insurance; payment is to include prescription cost and our fee.
If you can't pay in advance to the pharmacy (over the phone or website), you may send the funds to cover the prescription one of the following ways: (For payment questions see Off-Platform FAQ's 9 and 9A)
Click to expand for payment options
- Cash App: $RedConrad or $RedConradsServices
- PayPal:
- Venmo: send payment to username @RedConradsServices or email
- Zelle: send payment to Phone 386-230-5450 or email
- Credit/Debit Card: Submit the funds using this link for prepaid prescriptions or this link if prescription isn't paid for and submit order via form below or on the off-platform page. As this is a credit/debit payment, any overages in amount not specified to be a tip will be credited towards next purchase. See terms for details. Credit/Debit payments are secured through Square.
- Current: Send payment to Current Tag ~RedConrad
- Chime, Varo: You can now pay using your Chime or Varo accounts! In your Chime app go to “Pay Friends”, Varo app go to “Varo to Varo Transfer”, and send payment to
- Chime may also be sent to ChimeSign $RedConrad
- One: send payment to 386-230-5450 or username @william-conrad.
- From home screen, click the blue circle with the dollar sign -> click send cash -> in the search bar at the top of the screen, enter phone number or username -> enter amount and send
If you utilize a payment app to send funds to purchase your prescription, you must include enough funds to cover prescription and the $30 delivery fee; using the link to pay via Credit/Debit, please enter total amount (prescription cost plus our fee).
To use Zelle option: Most bank apps and websites offer Zelle. If your bank doesn’t include it in the bank app or website, you can download ZellePay in the app store.
Any overages in amount will be reimbursed after purchase via the same app you sent the funds with; credit/debit payments are final and non-reimbursable.
Note: We do NOT answer the phone when with a customer. Leave a voicemail or text. We will call you back as soon as we're done with the current customer.