Any Changes To Payment Schedule Will Appear Here. You will receive an email of changes made here thirty (30) days before they take effect. Any questions/concerns are to be sent to
Pay will be weekly. Pay will be sent via direct deposit to the payment account you give in your application. Below is payment breakdown once management staff is needed in your area. Until such time, you will receive 80% of fees per shop/delivery/task you complete plus any tips. An email will be sent out prior to pay change. Once your area is large enough management staff is required, pay will be as follows:- You keep 40% of all Red’s Delivery Services fees per shop/delivery/task you complete plus any tips.
- To put it in perspective, just one average grocery order or two restaurant orders (or one plus tip) per hour will be above the equivalent of minimum wage hourly pay.
- At current fees, just 2 ‘delivery-only’ restaurant orders per hour without tip is $24/hr. If customers tip, it’d be $24 + tip/hr. More deliveries in an hour equals higher pay for the hour.
- Tips left “in app” on orders that have a Delivery Driver pickup from a Shopper to deliver will work as follows:
- Shopper and Delivery Driver agree on their own how tips will work (ex: Shopper keeps in-app Driver keeps any cash tips, a split, etc) and both parties notify Red of agreement; OR
- Any in-app tip(s) will be split 50/50 between Shopper and Driver. Any cash tips is between the Delivery Driver and Shopper to discuss. Unless otherwise agreed between Shopper and Delivery Driver, any cash tips may be kept entirely by Delivery Driver.
- Some services would average higher pay per hour equivalent
- Until our new app database is full, you will receive bonus pay for helping fill it by uploading images of items and prices for each merchant a customer sends you to.
- Due to timing of our payment processor, each weeks pay will include the previous Saturday-Friday orders you completed. Depending on the speed of your bank/account you choose to get paid to, your pay will arrive between Wednesday-Friday following each week you work. (CashApp users may get paid as early as Monday following the first normal direct deposit)
- Update personal information (address, contact info, bank info, etc)
- Receive your 1099-MISC / NEC online each year
- Keep track of your pay
- Get paid faster through Cash App